It is somewhat bittersweet to say that today is the first day back from my last spring break as a high school student! But it was for sure the best spring break of the four years of my high school experience! Then again I wouldn't exactly say I had much of a break. The Friday night we got out of school, I went and entered a barrel race in Kuna. I had one of the worst runs on my horse I ever have had, but I ended up winning $120! That night, two good friends of mine drove with our horses to Adrian, Oregon to attend a two day long intensive barrel racing camp. Sunday night I came home and we had a birthday dinner for my Grandma who just turned 79! The next morning I woke up early to drive out to Parma to practice roping off one of my horses. When I got home I got an hour or so of rest, then off I went to Homedale to rope some more off my other horse. The next morning I did it all over again, I roped in the morning, came home to rest, got my big black barrel horse, and went out to Homedale again to practice running barrels in the same arena we're having our high school rodeo this weekend. Wednesday morning, again, I woke up and went to rope in Parma. I got home and hung around for a little while until it was time to go prom dress shopping with my mom, and two of my sisters! After we found my dress, I got home, packed the reset of my clothes, and went over to my friend Sami Jo's house. At 5 am, we woke up, crawled into the car, and slept the whole way to Walla Walla, Washington to visit the community college there. We had nothing less than a blast. Friday morning, not as early thankfully, we drove back home. But of course, on our way home, we thought up another plan to drive to Twin Falls to watch the Wrangler Roping. So, we asked our Mother's, and they both agreed to let us go. So as soon as we got back to Sami Jo's house, I hurried home, repacked, rode my horses, showered, and jumped back in my car to head back to Sami Jo's house. We got back in her car, and headed out to Twin Falls. That night we hung out with a bunch of our friends and just had a low key, good time, which definitely topped the night before in Walla Walla! The next day, we woke up and drove over to watch our friends rope. We finally got bored and decided to head back to Boise. I was pretty sure that was the first time I had sat down and took a breath since break started.
The next morning my boyfriend Charlie came to pick me up, and we went out to Kuna so he could get on some practice bulls (because he is a bull rider!). After that, we came back to have dinner with my family for my sister and nephews birthday. On Monday morning, I got up to go help my dad work cattle. As soon as I got home, I threw my other horse in the trailer, and went out to Homedale to practice roping again. Then on Tuesday morning I woke up again to go help my dad work cows. When we finally finished, I jumped into my friends truck and trailer, and went out to Homedale, AGAIN, to run barrels. There I made the absolute best barrel run I have ever made on my horse. I was so proud because I was running within .2 seconds of some of the fastest horses around Idaho and this area! It was the cherry and whipped cream ontop of the best spring break of my life. Though it may not have been much of a break, boy did I make some unforgettable memories! And now, I am all practiced up and ready to go win at my first high school rodeo of the year this weekend!! :)